Elected Positions
SBA holds elections for certain positions in conjunction with the University-wide elections administered by the University Board of Elections (UBE) during the Spring semester, usually in early-to-mid March. Each year, the UVA Law student body elects five students to serve as SBA Executive Board members in the form of President, Vice President, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Treasurer, and Secretary. Additionally, six Senators are elected to represent the 2L class and six Senators are elected to represent the 3L class, while several other students are elected to fulfill roles as Representatives. A full list of the elected positions, and the names and contact information of those students currently holding the positions, is available under the "About SBA" tab, at the "Executive Board" and "Senators & Representatives" pages, respectfully.
The process of petitioning begins in February of each year. If you are interested in running for an elected position, please reach out to SBA Vice President Shivani Arimilli directly for additional information. Several important deadlines for those interested in running for an elected position occur within the first weeks of the Spring semester, so all interested parties should monitor their emails for more information to be released by SBA in early February. Additionally, a copy of the UBE Calendar and several other informational documents are available on the UBE's website.
Please note that 1L, Transfer, and LLM Senators are selected in September of each year. 1Ls are internally elected by the First Year Council, which is made up of two elected representatives from each section. Transfer and LLM Senators are also internally elected by those respective groups.
Please see the SBA Constitution and Bylaws for more information.
Committee Chairs
Once the elected positions are filled, the Executive Board solicits applications and begins the process of appointing Committee Chairs. The appointment process begins in late March. Please watch for information about the application process via email. In the meantime, information about what opportunities are available can be accessed on the "Committee Chairs" page.
Committees seek members early in the Fall semester. Please watch for information about committee membership via email, as well.