resources for graduating students
As much as we do not want to see you go, law school is only three years! In anticipation of what is an exciting but stressful time, the SBA has complied a checklist to ease the process of preparing for graduation on top of your myriad other responsibilities.
The 3L Checklist
1. Apply for Graduation
Every 3L has to apply to graduate on SIS. Once you log into SIS, click on “My Academics” (this is where you can also find your unofficial transcript). At the bottom of the list, you will see “Apply for Graduation.” The application opens in November and closes in the early spring semester.
2. Register to Take the MPRE
You can find out more information and register for the MPRE here.
Some states require that you take the MPRE before sitting for the Bar Exam; some require that you take the MPRE within a few years of taking the Bar; and still others do not require the MPRE at all. Please check with the Bar Association for the particular state for which you wish to sit for the Bar. Additionally, check the required passing score for state where you plan to practice. Lastly, many Bar Prep companies offer an MPRE course for free, so explore your resources to aid in your studies!
3. Register for the Bar Examination
Many 3Ls will apply for membership to a State Bar Association. The application process can be complicated and can take an extended period of time to complete. As such, you should each check the website for the state in which you plant to take the Bar so that you can be informed of the process. Click here to access UVA Law’s Bar Guide.
If you have questions about your Bar Application, the Student Records Office may be able to help. If you have financial questions regarding the character and fitness portion of the Bar Application, you may contact the Financial Aid office at lawfinaid@virginia.edu or in SL 126A.
4. Pay All Outstanding Bills/Fines to the University
To determine whether you have outstanding financial obligations to the University, log into SIS to check any outstanding balances in the "Finances" tab.
5. Fulfill All Degree Requirements
A. Check Requirements in Online Academic Policies:
Step 1: Log-in to LawWeb.
Step 2: Under “Curricular Information,” select “Academic Policies,” then section I.E.
B. Check Degree Status on SIS:
Step 1: Select “My Academics.”
Step 2: Select “View my Advisement Report.”
6. Financial Aid
For students with loans from their time at the Law School, pick-up your report of student loans from the Financial Aid Office. Reports are usually distributed in March. Students must also attend exit counseling in groups in April, though anyone is welcome to schedule additional one-on-one counseling sessions with the Financial Aid Office.
7. Order Graduation Regalia
Students must order their cap and gown for graduation! An email will be sent in February detailing the ordering process.
8. Graduation Tickets
During the week of graduation, tickers will be distributed to students. Follow instructions according to those received via email for when and where to receive your tickets.
Congratulations, 3Ls! SBA is so proud of you. The Student Bar Association wishes you the best of luck as you start your careers.